About House of Phantoms
House of Phantoms / Shop of Phantoms
Aviation Research, Design and Publishing
House of Phantoms was born from our very own AirDOC Publishing and Wingman Models and created for the absolute Phantom “Phan” who can’t get enough of the F-4 Phantom! Our motto is ‘Made for Enthusiasts, by Enthusiasts’ and we try to provide everything Phantom related for aircraft historians, enthusiasts as well as the serious model makers with hitherto unpublished topics and meticulously detailed graphics for your scale model masterpieces.

Here and In our shop you will find overviews and detailed descriptions of our products, books and decal sets. With fascinating Phantom Phacts, figures, data and photos as well as the occasional intriguing story.

 It is our aim to bring you a complete understanding of the F-4 Phantom and its operators as well as technical and historical knowledge of all aspects the F-4 inside and out, with our hardcover books in our “Ultimate F-4 Phantom II Collection”. 

In addition, our thoroughly researched and intricately designed decals sets show many previously un-released US and international marking options, which will give you unquestionable quality and variety of choice for your scale works of art.

 If you share our passion is for the F-4 Phantom II, join us on Facebook and find our products in our "Little Shop of Phantoms".
Our Research
Our decals and books are painstakingly researched by us and by our authors. A huge archive of over 20,000 slides and photographs on a wide variety of aircraft helps us to achieve our goals. Also, we have the support of many friends and fellow researchers from all over the world, who open the archives for us on demand and offer their photographic gems. A big thank you to all those wonderful aviation lovers who share their high-quality research with us!
We often take field trips to maintenance squadrons and museums as opportunities to photograph and measure aircraft. We use the latest in digital equipment such as high-resolution cameras, digital protractors or laser-range-finders as well as the good old tape measure to get those measurements and ultimate details absolutely accurate. With this data we ensure that our research material meets our high-quality standards as well as that of our clients and associates such as Revell GmbH Germany or Zoukei-Mura in Japan.

Andreas Klein
Founder and Chief House of Phantoms / Shop of Phantoms

Since I was a little child, I always had a deep-rooted interest in aviation which I inherited from my grandfather and from the age of six, I fell in love with model making. In 1989, after finishing High School, I joined the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) and became a GCI Officer (Ground Controlled Interception). During my 12 years of service, I gained an extensive knowledge of aircraft performance and manoeuvrability as well as weapons employment and specialised technical equipment and its performance.
Over the course of my military career, I had some great opportunities and got firsthand experience whilst taking part in several deployments such as to the ACMI range in Sardinia and acting as Liaison Officer to German fighter combat wings when these held the NATO-Tiger Meets. With this comprehensive knowledge, I was also selected to train young Controllers at Luftwaffe’s main GCI training facility. I left Luftwaffe in 2001 with the rank of Captain, having accumulated over 2,500 control hours on NATO-Military aircraft, including at least 2,000 hours on the F-4F Phantom II.
My passion for the venerable F-4 Phantom II grew stronger during the final years of my active service and I took every opportunity to collect available material and gained comprehensive knowledge on this particular aircraft from official military sources and archives.

In 2001, I established AirDOC Publishing company with the desire to provide a place where the skilled model maker can find expert resources. It was time to replace those old black and white books produced in the 1980s, with thoroughly researched publications, using modern printing methods and full colour print.
Our first book title “Luftwaffe Phantoms” was of course dedicated to the F-4F/RF-4E in Luftwaffe service. We grew a following quite rapidly with well over 40 book titles and in more than six book series. Along with our fantastic quality decal sets which you will find every year at hobby/model maker shows all over Europe such as Scale Model World at Telford, UK, and other important model expos such as the Eduard Eday in Prague.
In 2013, IsraDecals and AirDOC joined forces and ‘Wingman Models’ was also added to the company’s portfolio. Together, we focussed on bringing the highest quality, most realistic and well-researched plastic models kits to our range of products, in cooperation with our former partner Kinetic Model LTD from Hong Kong. Wingman Models is still continuing to provide decal sets on NATO and Luftwaffe related topics for the enthusiast and avid model maker, while House of Phantoms will deal exclusively with F-4 related topics..
Today, I am filled with pride and gratitude as I continue to pursue my passion for aviation, model making and the Phabolous Phantom ...